Developed my personal website (yes, the one you are browsing right now) with a view to applying basic HTML and CSS knowledge. Another important purpose for building this website is to keep track of doings.

Back in college days I wrote a tiny program for scraping phone numbers from facebook profile which were searchable but not visible for public and created a database with around 2K contact numbers along with their facebook profiles. Unfortunately the database got deleted accidentally & I didn't keep a backup.

Hangman Console
The famous word guessing game. Different versions of this game are available online. So instead of a graphical one I wrote a console version of this game.

This is more of a program for mathematical interest. While messing around with probability stuffs, I figured out an 'exceptional way' to find the value of Pi. I wrote a tiny program in Python to generate millions of random points and tested the approach practically. Later I came to know, estimating the value of Pi in a similar approach I used existed prior to my 'invention' and known as Monte Carlo simulation. Nonetheless, it was really fun to figure out such a way to calculate Pi.